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    This is why you should not use your debit card to pay for your holidays!

    That's it, your annual leave is booked, now it's time to start organising your holidays! Has anything unexpected ever happened to you before you went on holiday? Since then, do you still hesitate to take out cancellation insurance? Find out in this article about the insurance and assistance services available to you, depending on the payment card you use to pay for your trip.

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    Will Sophie manage to win her father over to Luxtrust Mobile?

    Mayday! Mayday! The moment Sophie has been dreading has arrived: from 31 December 2024, it will no longer be possible to access S-Net without using Luxtrust Mobile! That gives her six months to convince her dad to accept the technology and replace his physical Token with the Luxtrust Mobile app. And if you’d had dealings with her dad, you’d know that’s no easy task!

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    Buy or lease an electric vehicle?

    As a transition enabler, Spuerkeess plans to contribute to the national target of electrifying 49% of Luxembourg’s car fleet by 2030. Thus, since 2018, the Bank has included electric vehicles in its Lease Plus offer, and these now account for 80% of the leases taken out by the Bank's customers. This very strong interest in electric cars is partly due to the desire to "consume better and more sustainably", but is also due to our attractive Lease Plus offers. Emir Mustafic, Business Developer - Private Lease at Spuerkeess, gives us the criteria to be taken into account when buying or leasing an electric vehicle.

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