Buying to renovate, or simply renovating your property after several years because it no longer meets today's energy standards, is a great project that requires certain knowledge. Before taking the plunge, you should find out what's new in the energy sector by contacting various suppliers and also by checking out all the state aid and private support available to ensure you get the most favourable financing. In this article, we'll look into the good reasons to start an energy renovation project this year.
New S-Net features: complete management of your credit cards!
If until now you could already change the limit of your credit cards via the S-Net app, it now allows you to manage even more payment settings!
- online payments
- payments outside Europe (you decide if you want to use your card for payments in shops outside Europe)
- cash withdrawals (you decide if you want to withdraw money with the credit card in question from all ATMs (including S-Bank) or not.
- the magnetic stripe (you can activate or deactivate the payment using the magnetic stripe on your card)