FAQ : lux|mandate
Discretionary management is a type of investment where a management expert makes investment decisions on the client's behalf, without obtaining prior approval for each transaction. The manager is able to make these decisions based on the customer's objectives and constraints, and can therefore adjust the portfolio based on market conditions.
Our lux|mandate discretionary management product uses a variety of strategies that are adjusted to our customers' risk level and sustainability preferences. The ideal strategy is determined using a suitability test. This test consists of questions about the customer's investment objectives, including the risk he is willing to take, his financial situation, his knowledge and experience, and his sustainability preferences.
Money invested in lux|mandate is accessible and can be withdrawn at any time. However, the product has been designed for medium or long term investments (at least 3 to 5 years). When disinvesting, there is no guarantee that the value of the product will not have fallen and that you will be able to withdraw the initial amount. For tax purposes, we recommend that you hold on to the product for at least six months.
The strategy is derived from the investor profile created based on the customer's suitability test. It is strongly recommended that this test be kept up to date and that it be redone at least once every two years. If a customer changes his responses to the suitability test, the strategy may also change. In that case, the customer's portfolio is automatically adjusted.