What is phishing?
The tactic employed by tricksters is to send an e-mail, SMS or make a phone call in the bank's name, in which they use a pretext (e.g.: technical breakdown, internal enquiry, etc.), to lure their victim to a fake website (normally designed in the bank’s house style colours), where the victim is asked to provide personal data such as: their Internet banking agreement number, password or credit card details, LuxTrust credentials, etc.
There is no limit to the ways in which phishers operate to achieve their ends.
- Stay alert to e-mails, text messages as well as unsolicited calls or calls from unknown interlocutors.
- Never send any personal data (Internet banking agreement number, password, credit card details, etc.) in reply to an e-mail.
- Use preferably our S-Net Mobile application on your smartphone and tablet, or type https://bcee.snet.lu into your Internet browser.
- It is preferable to use LuxTrust Mobile for your transactions instead of the token. You will obtain more information about the transaction to be validated.
- Spuerkeess will never send an e-mail or SMS asking its customers to reveal personal data about themselves (Internet banking agreement number, password or credit card details, etc.).
- Spuerkeess will never send an unsolicited (or unrequested) non-encrypted e-mail or SMS containing an executable program to be installed on the customer's PC.
- Spuerkeess will never call its customers by phone in order to ask them to communicate their personal data.
- The S-Net site is authenticated by a digital certificate that has been issued on behalf of Spuerkeess. It is presented every time you log on.