SES Preparation of the annual ordinary general meeting

Inform yourself!

Prepare for the annual ordinary general meeting of SES S.A.

Find out more about it

Ordinary and extraordinary general meeting

Ordinary General Meeting

Extraordinary General Meeting

Downloads for the ordinary general meeting

Ordinary General Meeting

Combined documents for the AGM

Withdrawal Certificate shares FDR into share A

Voting Instructions

Exemption certificate

Combined documents for the AGM

Downloads for the extraordinary general meeting

Extraordinary General Meeting

Combined documents for the EGM

Voting Instructions EGM

Report by the board of directors from 28.02.2024

Key dates for the ordinary general meeting

Deadline for new agenda proposal SES: draft resolutions 13/03/2024
Deadline for returning receipt of the agenda 15/03/2024
New agenda publication 20/03/2024
Registration date for the AGM attendance 21/03/2024
Deadline for the voting instructions 17h 28/03/2024
AGM 10h30 04/04/2024

Key dates for the extraordinary general meeting

Deadline for new agenda proposal SES: draft resolutions 13/03/2024
Deadline for returning receipt of the agenda 15/03/2024
New agenda publication 20/03/2024
Registration date for the AGM attendance 21/03/2024
Deadline for the voting instructions 17h 28/03/2024
AGE 12h00 04/04/2024

Dividend payment SES

Ex date 16/04/2024
Record date 17/04/2024
Payment date 18/04/2024

Dividend: 0,50 EUR

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